
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday. My first thought today was to look back. God has drilled that in to my mind and heart these last few years. Look back to Him, to what He's done … and then I'm strengthened to move ahead. These last years have been full of deep joy, deep grief, laughter, tears, choices, brokenness, humility. There have been some hard lessons learned, some lessons that I continue with.

But one thing stands out. I was never alone. My Heavenly Father was (and is!) with me every moment. Never alone. Never.

Much of the healing has happened, and I'm able to look back over the deep, wounding griefs with a little bit of separation, without full collapse. Instead, I see how that very thing -- the utter brokenness of my soul -- was what led to God's transformation in me, His strengthening. I lived my worst nightmare, and somehow God turned that horrible form of death into something I had never imagined it could be. What was dead and broken is now growing and flourishing … and so am I.

I've heard how a seed has to die before there's a new plant. Some things need to be crushed before the beautiful fragrance can be released. A candle has to burn before there's light. Gold has to go through the smelting process before it is truly valuable. Muscles have to be broken down before they're strengthened. Do you see where I'm going here? Sometimes, the best part of life comes after the most devastating seasons. Sometimes we need to be truly broken before we appreciate what is before us, before we become the best we can be.

I don't understand how that's possible. I don't understand all about seeds. I don't understand how strength comes from being broken. All I know is that God is fully capable. He just asks us to hang in there with him in the midst of the mourning, the ashes, the fiery furnace, the storm. He knows what's ahead even if we don't. The death leads to new life. The crushing leads to fragrance. The burning leads to light. The brokenness leads to strength. That's what God does.

Endurance. Perseverance. Tough words. Even tougher to live them. We don't have to have all the answers. We don't have to understand. We don't even have to endure and persevere perfectly, because we definitely won't. We just have to know who God is … to trust Him with all we have … to know of His deep love and care for us. There is no better place to be than with Him in the middle of the crushing, the burning, the dying, the brokenness. His promise is that those times are not permanent, and we WILL experience the beauty of the newness if we only hang in there. He's not just working on the circumstances, He's working on us in the middle of the circumstances.

Qatar has become one of my favorite Hebrew words. In fact, I'd like to think that this is the name that God will give me when He welcomes me home after my life here has ended. Qatar means "to turn in to fragrance by fire, especially as an act of worship." May the fire that He has allowed in my life be something that brings glory to Him, brings a fragrant sacrifice of worship! May I, the tiny seed that has died, the candle that has been burned, be qatar to Him, to those around me.

So, today, I'm celebrating. Celebrating another year of life. Celebrating that getting older has in fact led to growing wiser, thanks to Him. Celebrating beauty after the ashes, the dancing after the mourning. Celebrating that I am a daughter of the King, the great I AM. Celebrating that my story continues to be written by the greatest Author of all time. Celebrating all of the gifts that He has given me. Celebrating that this time of growth has been a fragrant offering to Him.

Happy birthday to me! I am Qatar!